Liquified Natural Gas
The LNG industry is rallying to meet the rising global demand for clean energy sources. Being versatile and accessible, LNG has unlocked a pathway towards reliable energy sources with reduced carbon emissions.

LNG is composed primarily of Methane (95%). It is produced by cooling natural gas at -162°C to reduce its volume for effortless storage and transportation. Major LNG-producing countries such as the USA, Qatar, Australia and Russia are investing significantly in liquefaction f...


Amid the environmental concerns, LNG stands under the spotlight with its relatively lower carbon emissions. While it still releases greenhouse gases, it can be emitted using carbon capture and storage (CCS) solutions. Moreover, ongoing research and development focus on reducing methane leakage across the supply chain to ensure safe and environmentally friendly transport.

Growing demand indicates a positive outlook for the LNG market in the future. Countries are now becoming more ...

Powering the Future of LNG with
Cutting-edge Software Solutions

Enhancing Supply Chain Efficiency with Smart Solutions

Optimized transportation logistics, effective utilization of storage capacity, and cargo scheduling at minimum cost, thereby maximizing revenue.


Data-driven Production Planning and Scheduling

Integration of real-time data from production facilities, supply chains, and market demand enables dynamic production schedules based on market conditions, operational constraints, and pricing trends leading to maximization of production efficiency and profitability.


Fine-Tuning Process Parameters for Maximum Production Efficiency

Advanced tools to model different operating scenarios, identifying bottlenecks, and optimize parameters to maximize throughput and energy efficiency.


Boosting Sustainability with Energy-Saving Strategies

Real-time monitoring of energy usage, identifying optimization opportunities, and implementing advanced control strategies to reduce energy consumption while achieving production targets.


Extending Equipment Lifespan with Predictive Analysis

Incorporation of data analytics and machine learning algorithms to predict equipment failure before it occurs. It allows operators to proactively schedule maintenance, minimize downtime, and optimize asset utilization.


Automating Compliance Processes and Risk Management with Software Solutions

Streamlining regulatory compliance processes, monitoring environmental performance, and assessing operational risks to minimize costly fines or disruptions.

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